Frequently Asked Question

Everything you need to know about our product and services. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, you can reach out to our contact us page.

Asset management involves the professional management of investments and assets on behalf of individuals, institutions, or organizations. It aims to maximize returns while managing risk.

Yes, we are licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission as a Fund/Portfolio Manager.

We offer our expertise in Financial advisory, Market Research, Portfolio & funds management, and corporate investment schemes.

As a capital market operator, we hold and manage our clients' investments under our SEC-approved products namely STIAM money market note, STIAM fixed-income note, and STIAM fixed-income dollar note. Please check the product section of our website for more details.

Professional asset managers have expertise in selecting and managing investments, which can lead to better returns and risk management compared to individual efforts.

Our asset management process begins with a thorough analysis of your financial goals and risk tolerance. We then create a customized investment strategy, implement it, monitor your portfolio, and make adjustments as needed.

We manage a wide range of assets, including money market securities, bonds, stocks, real estate, and alternative investments, tailored to your investment objectives.

Our company prides itself on personalized service, a team of experienced professionals, and a commitment to aligning your investments with your specific financial goals.

We assess your risk tolerance through a comprehensive questionnaire and discussions about your financial situation, goals, and investment horizon.

Our fees vary depending on the type and size of the portfolio. We are transparent about our fee structure and will provide a detailed breakdown of costs during our initial consultation.

Yes, we have minimum investment requirements. These requirements vary depending on the specific product or strategy you are interested in. Please refer to our products section for further information.

We provide regular portfolioreports and daily global market updates to keep you informed about your investments and the happenings in the global economy. You can also access your account online for real-time updates.

We encourage open communication, and if your financial goals or circumstances change, we will work with you to adjust your investment strategy accordingly.

To get started, simply contact us to schedule an initial consultation. During this meeting, we will discuss your financial goals and determine the best approach for your unique needs.

Our diversified alpha-seeking value investing philosophy stands as a beacon of disciplined, research-driven, and risk-aware investment. We are committed to delivering superior returns while safeguarding our clients' capital. Through the marriage of proactive alpha generation, value-focused strategies, and robust risk management, we seek to navigate the ever-evolving financial landscape to achieve financial prosperity for our clients.

Our approach involves diversification of funds and investment vehicles, dollar-cost averaging, constantly reviewing investment goals, and engaging appropriate risk management techniques.

We tailor your investment portfolio through a personalized financial planning process, combining different asset classes. We regularly rebalance portfolios to align with your financial plan in sync with your life circumstances; we update your plan and suggest portfolio adjustments to ensure adequate allocation.

To invest, kindly visit the home page of our website www.stiassetmgt.com, and click on Get Started. Fill in your information and follow the prompts. Alternatively, you can call us at 09165439544, send us an email at investment@stiassetmgt.com, or visit our physical office

Yes, once the basic and additional documentation is provided.

Yes, provision is made for this within the terms of the investment as contained in the investment certificate issued to you.

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